Sunday, June 14, 2009

Now a Theatre Major

So I decided to switch my major to Theatre. After my acting class last semester and the small one act play that I was in, I officially have stage fever. I just want to be on stage all of the time and be performing. I've been singing as much as possible lately, focusing on having my own style to songs but keeping it true to the original especially with the Wicked songs. I want to keep true to Elphaba's character but I don't want people to think I am copying Idina.
I signed up for all of my classes for next year and got into Acting II as well as many of the other now required courses. Thankfully I was able to salvage my English courses into an english minor and if I plan it all right I may be able to graduate a semester earlier than I had planned with maybe one summer of classes.
Mom isn't too happy about my switch to theatre. She's afraid that I won't find a job in acting and struggle to make ends meet. I know its going to be difficult but I'm willing to try at least. If I can't find a job then I'll figure something out then. I wish I could give her a reassuring response but I don't really know if I will be successful in the highly competitive acting arena... I just really hope I am.
I am also really excited because Grand Valley plans to perform RENT this next Fall. Auditions are in September and I can't wait. I'm new to the theatre arena at GVSU but I hope that I can get a good part.
Super excited about this next school year. I can't wait to see what it brings.