Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I always forget to write on this thing. I actually got a role in a production this year. I was cast in the Nerdfighter's (student group) live version of Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog as Penny, the lead female character. It was the most amazing experience I've had here with theatre and I am so proud of myself that I got the role. It was a musical so I had to sing which was awesome and I had a blast being up there on stage. We had three performances in a small black box type theatre and we sold out every night with some people standing in the back. My family came from Lansing as did a few friends and since the space was so small I could see everyone who was there. My boyfriend showed up on opening night as a surprise because I would have been so nervous knowing he was there. It was nice to see him afterward though and he told me he was really proud of me (that means so much). Acting is such a thrill for me, but designing is a whole lot stressful in the end.

In other news: I have just been asked to be the costume designer for the P.S. Series here at GVSU. I will be handling two one act plays with about 3 or 4 actors each. It is the first mainstage show I will be in charge of and I am really excited about it. It's going to be a great thing to put on my resume for graduate schools.

Speaking of grad school. I have been working on finding a school with a master's degree in costume design and I think I found one in Illinois. The University of Illinois has a MFA in costume design at their Urbana-Champaign campus. It's about 2 hours south of Chicago. My advisor here at GVSU says that it is one of the best programs in the country so I am starting to prepare everything I need to so that I can get in. I still have about a semester before I really need to worry about it but graduation is a year away and it fill fly by. I'm hoping to do an internship next summer or fall for more experience. I really hope everything goes as I plan.